Island Stories
Explore Manitoulin's past, present and future
A Magical Place
A Magical Place In so very many ways, the duality and intermixing of Manitoulin’s parallel cultures–First Nations people and the descendents of nineteenth century farming
Manitoulin Island – Land of Legends
Manitoulin Island:Land of Legends Manitoulin is a place that, while it’s north, isn’t quite in Northern Ontario, so it’s not too far from your home.
The Burning Boat
Legends of Manitoulin: The Burning Boat When a full red moon rises over the shores of Providence Bay, a phantom ship is engulfed by hot
Exploring Manitoulin Island
Exploring Manitoulin To find comparisons that will register with the imagination and accommodate the extreme disproportions of geological time is no easy task. However, imagine
Bikes on Board! MICA Initiatives take Island Cycling to Higher Heights
Bikes on Board! MICA Initiatives take Island Cycling to Higher Heights There’s a joyous upsurge in enthusiasm for bicycling on Manitoulin– the numbers are in
Sheguiandah National Historic Site: Twice the Age of the Pyramids of Egypt
Sheguiandah National Historic Site: Twice the Age of the Pyramids of Egypt When Thomas E. Lee, an archaeologist with the National Museum of Canada, found
Manitoulin’s heritage lighthouses: still beaming brightly
Manitoulin’s heritage lighthouses: still beaming brightly Manitoulin Island is a marine history buff’s treasure trove, and the Island’s storied marine history is preserved in her
Trailer sailors explore North Channel waters in small vessels
Trailer sailors explore North Channel If you are a sailboater in another part of Lake Huron or one of the other of our Great Lakes,
Get reel! Make fishing your Manitoulin mission
Get Reel: Make fishing your Manitoulin mission It’s 7 am at the Providence Bay Marina and a warmly-smiling bearded fellow walks towards a charter fishing