Whitefish River First Nation
Traditional Powwow
August 19th & 20th
This annual event at Whitefish River First Nation (Birch Island) is held in a place special not only to its home community but special to the entire region. The powwow grounds are located at the foot of Dreamer’s Rock, a high point in the community that young men would climb as part of their vision quest and, after days of fasting, would sleep in the natural indentation at the height of Dreamer’s Rock and dream of what their future would be. The Whitefish River (Birch Island) Powwow is held the third weekend of August each year. Whitefish River First Nation is located on Highway 6 about 14 kilometres north of Little Current. The powwow grounds are accessed off Sunshine Alley (which intersects with Highway 6).
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